Support: How can we help you?

Most asked questions:
How do I reset my password?

You can reset your password by clicking the Click here to reset your password link on the login page.

The password reset is a two-step process. After submitting your email address you should receive an email within a few minutes. The unique link in the email we send you will allow you to set a new password.

If you have forgotten the email address of your account please contact us.

What Browser and Software do I need?

To use all the features of the website you will need:

  • A modern browser such as Google Chrome or latest versions of Microsoft Edge, or Firefox
  • Screen resolution of at least 1024x768 or above
  • Javascript enabled
  • Cookies enabled
I'm not receiving course emails

Please first check your spam or junk folder to see if any missing emails are there.

  • Add as a safe sender in your email application

All course emails are sent from The domain signature is and all emails are sent from our dedicated email IP address

Contact Support
We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Consent for storing submitted data *

Tristan Campbell

Tristan is Opening the Book's IT guru and has created all our websites. The book-choosing website,, gets more than 20,000 visitors each month and Tristan created multi-language versions for Norway and the Netherlands too. The training platform for all our school and public library courses is highly successful – intuitive and visually pleasing at the front end with a powerful and secure operating system driving the functionality.

A certified Umbraco Master he has over 25 years' website development experience in ASP.Net MVC, C#, Typescript/Javascript, Razor, Angular, CSS/SCSS, HTML, and SQL Server.