Our college library courses are full of interactive exercises you can apply in your own situation. You can read through everything, reflect on your personal experience, view slideshows of examples and build your own skills. The Advanced course in Observation Research has individual mentoring support so you can tailor your work to what is most useful to your workplace.
A fast, practical and enjoyable course in active customer-care skills, specific to libraries. This course will help everyone who works in a customer-facing role develop the skills and confidence to take responsibility for customer engagement - and not just sit behind a welcome desk.
Learn to see through your customers’ eyes! This course develops skills in analysing the library’s most important spaces then taking practical steps to improve the customer experience. Learners will build simple routines to sustain high standards and control the library environment.
To improve the library experience for your customers, you need objective evidence about how people are using your space and resources. Observing and recording anonymous customer behaviours is a powerful way to gather this. This course will introduce the basic methods with easy exercises to build your experience and the opportunity to design your own observation too. Use these techniques to get beyond a familiar workspace and staff assumptions to what your customers actually see and do. Suitable for both public and college libraries.
Libraries have wonderfully rich collections. Book marketing changes constantly, trends in genres come and go, new bestsellers start fresh cover fashions. It is hard to keep up with the range and depth of material that is available to our readers, including our wealth of back stock. How can we help people discover what is hidden in our shelves? This course will help you update your book knowledge and select, curate and present capsule promotional collections that will catch readers’ interest and tempt them to try something new.