Dynamic Readers’ Advisory

Understanding what readers need and how they choose is the basis for a fresh approach to connecting with your patrons. Use these new ideas alongside your traditional RA to reach a wider range of patrons. Full of beautifully designed free downloads to support RA in the library and on social media, this course will give you a new enthusiasm for your job. 


CAD Prices displayed in CAD

Buy now and start any time
after 1 April 2025

For librarians, library associates, library technicians
6 hours online plus 6-8 hours applying learning in the library. Start and stop as you like.
The learner completes self-assessment exercises online.


Taking time for the course
How to use the course
How your work is assessed

Part 1: Starting with readers

Part 1: Starting with readers
What makes libraries special
Putting readers first
What kind of reader are you?
Powerful messages
Readers want an experience not a book
Locating the books
Reading a book cover
Spot the experience
Who is taking what?

Part 2: Helping readers choose

Part 2: Helping readers choose
The problem with choice
Searchers and browsers
Reading suggestions
Reading prejudices
Building confidence
Meet your tutor
Display as conversation
Starting from reader needs and preferences
Books to cheer you up

Part 3: Bringing readers together

Part 3: Bringing readers together
The lone reader
Readers are a resource
Reader to reader
Book of the Day
Making readers visible
On-shelf reading recommendations
Building a library community

Part 4: Putting everything into practice

Part 4:  Putting everything into practice
What kind of book do you need to read today?
Choose your books
Download your print resources
Create your display in the library
Download your digital starter question
Download your digital mood images
Create your digital program
Record your results
What changes will you make?


Your role in your reading community
Tell us what you think
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Which course is right for me?

Contact Fiona Edwards on fiona@openingthebook.com